有: 5年 fifteen years光学: optics; photology; photics反射: reflect装置: installation; device; appara ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...平面: plane; two dimensions; flat ...位置: seat; place; location; site显示器: indicator; display; display ...座舱内的平面位置显示器: cockpit display map平面位置显示器: plain position indicator; plan position indicator scope; plan position indicator unit; plan-position display; plan-position indicator; plan-position set; plane position indicator; plane-positioning set; ppi scope正上方对准航向的平面位置显示器: heading-upward plan position indicator正上方指北的平面位置显示器: north-stabilized plan position indicator中心扩展的平面位置显示器: expanded center plan display平面位置显示: plane position indication等高平面位置显示器: constant altitude plan position indicator电子平面位置显示器: electronic plan position indicator方位稳定平面位置显示器: azimuth-stabilized ppi航向平面位置显示器: heading upward plan position indicator; heading-upward plan postion精密平面位置显示器: precision plan position indicator空心式平面位置显示器: open center plan position indicator扩展平面位置显示器: expanded plan position indicator; expanded plan-position indicator雷达平面位置显示器: radar device偏心平面位置显示器: off-center plan-position indicator; off-centre plan position indicator偏心式平面位置显示器: off-center plane position indicator偏中心平面位置显示器: off center p. p. i; off center plan display