- assistance on a refundable basis
- 援助: help; support; aid
- 无偿援助: gratuitous help; non-reimbursable assistance
- 雇员补偿援助基金: employees compe ation a istance fund; employees compensation assistance fund
- 有偿技术援助: reimbursable technical assistance
- 援助: help; support; aid 国际援助 international support; 技术援助 technical assistance; 经济援助 economic aid; 援助受难者 help the victims; 不附带条件的援助 aid with no strings attached; 援助发展中的国家 give aid to developing countries; 这家公司依靠政府的财政援助。 the company is dependent on government financial help.; 援助国 donor country; aid-giving nation; 援助捐款 assistance contribution; 援助协定 agreement concerning aid