有: 5年 fifteen years某: certain; some倾向: be inclined to; prefer的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...有做某事的倾向所以: liable to do sth有做……的倾向: tend to do倾向的: separative倾向的, 转向的: vergens个人倾向的: individual oriented立场倾向的: tendencious偏斜倾向的: semitransverse雪崩倾向的: avalanche prone; avalanchepronee有倾向的: prone; tendentious平行于倾向的: downdip倾向的愿意的: disposed disposed有暴力倾向的: to have a disposition towards acts of violence有地震倾向的: temblor prone; temblor-prone有反对倾向的: antipathic有结合倾向的: incorporative有倾向的,适当的: apt有吸附倾向的: adsorbent有做某事的可能: seem likely to do sth有做某事的习惯: be given to (sth./doing sth有做某事的癖号: have a mania for doing sth倾向于某事物: are you subject to colds / the timetable is subject to alteration