

发音:   用"有何区别"造句
  • a people peoples people the people
  • :    5年 fifteen years
  • 区别:    distinguish; differentiate; ...
  • 区别:    1.(比较; 分别) distinguish; differentiate; make a distinction between 区别不同情况 distinguish among differing cases; 区别品种 differentiate one variety from another; 区别好坏 distinguish between good and bad; 他对我们一视同仁, 毫无区别。 he is fair to us without distinction. 要区别主要的和次要的任务。 a distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks.2.(彼此不同的地方) difference; distinction; discrimination 细微的区别 nice [subtle] distinction; 主要区别 the main distinction; 区别标记 distinctive mark; certain discrimination; make chalk of one and cheese of the other; 区别记号 diacritical sign; discriminating sign; 区别信号 distinguishing signal
  • 工程的任何区段:    any section of the works
  • 区别于,与……区别:    distinguished from


    更多例句:  下一页
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        :    5年 fifteen years
        区别:    distinguish; differentiate; ...
        区别:    1.(比较; 分别) distinguish; differentiate; make a distinction between 区别不同情况 distinguish among differing cases; 区别品种 differentiate one variety from another; 区别好坏 distinguish between good and bad; 他对我们一视同仁, 毫无区别。 he is fair to us without distinction. 要区别主要的和次要的任务。 a distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks.2.(彼此不同的地方) difference; distinction; discrimination 细微的区别 nice [subtle] distinction; 主要区别 the main distinction; 区别标记 distinctive mark; certain discrimination; make chalk of one and cheese of the other; 区别记号 diacritical sign; discriminating sign; 区别信号 distinguishing signal
        工程的任何区段:    any section of the works
        区别于,与……区别:    distinguished from
        你有何意见:    what's would you recommend
        你有何指示:    what is your order
        死有何憾:    hamlet
        有何不同:    what is the difference
        有何代价:    what it takes
        有何感想:    what do you think of the wto
        有何高见:    what do you think about it; what is a big idea
        有何公干:    what important business brings you here
        有何贵干:    what business have you come here for
        有何见教:    is there something you want to see me about
        有何难哉:    what's so difficult about it
        辨别,区别:    distinguish one thing from another
        不同;区别:    distinction
        歧视;区别:    discrimination
        区别,辨别:    distinguish from
        区别,辩别:    distinguish
        区别,辨认:    make out
        区别,差别:    distinction n. difference
        区别;分别:    apart
        区别;知名:    distinction



  1. "有何高见"英文
  2. "有何公干"英文
  3. "有何贵干"英文
  4. "有何见教"英文
  5. "有何难哉"英文
  6. "有何无之乡游记"英文
  7. "有合法权利"英文
  8. "有合伙企业和合作社的优缺点的欧洲经济利益"英文
  9. "有合理怀疑"英文
  10. "有合理实益的用途"英文


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