The german , who has undergone surgery on an injured ankle , is now ineligible to play in the competition until the knock - out stage 这位踝关节一直有伤的德国人,最早也要熬到明年的淘汰赛阶段才能出现在欧冠赛场。
Keeper cudicini has missed three games since straining a leg muscle against bolton whereas carvalho has been able to play through an ankle problem that has lingered on for three weeks 门将库迪奇尼在对博尔顿的比赛中大腿肌肉拉伤后已经缺席了三场比赛而卡瓦略这三个星期在脚踝有伤的情况下坚持住了比赛。
" yes , we have injuries but people should n ' t forget that we still have a lot of quality players and experienced internationals available . " while stephen carr , the republic of ireland right - back , underwent his second hernia operation in three months in london yesterday , shola ameobi was pencilled in for hip surgery on monday and steven taylor announced that his shoulder problem was likely to keep him out for the rest of the season 来自爱尔兰的右后卫斯蒂芬卡尔19日在伦敦接受了3个月来第二次疝气治疗手术准备接受手术的还有臀部有伤的阿梅奥比,手术日子初步定在下周一而另一名球员泰勒据说因为肩伤将很可能会错过本赛季剩下的比赛。