

  • one thing / i don't know why
  • :    5年 fifteen years
  • :    piece; article; item
  • 始终:    from beginning to end; from ...
  • 毫无头绪:    be in a hopeless tangle
  • 茫无头绪:    be confused like a tangle of flax; not know where to begin; lose track of the sequence of events; be confused without a clue; be completely [wholly] at sea; at a loss; drag in by the head and shoulders; without any definite plan; not know how to go about things; be in a hopeless muddle


        :    5年 fifteen years
        :    piece; article; item
        始终:    from beginning to end; from ...
        毫无头绪:    be in a hopeless tangle
        茫无头绪:    be confused like a tangle of flax; not know where to begin; lose track of the sequence of events; be confused without a clue; be completely [wholly] at sea; at a loss; drag in by the head and shoulders; without any definite plan; not know how to go about things; be in a hopeless muddle
        全无头绪:    make neither head nor tail of it
        毫无头脑地:    fondly
        我有件事要问你:    i have something to ask you. question
        有件事就是想你:    the one thing missing was you
        除此以外我还有件事要讲:    there's another thing i have to say
        但在镇子里,有件事众所周知:    but in the town, it was well known
        有件事我一直想告诉你:    something i've been meaning to tell you
        头绪:    main threads (of a complicated affair); lead; clue 头绪纷繁 have too many things to attend to; have complicated causes and implications; have too many irons in the fire; be highly complicated; 理出头绪 gather up the threads; get thing into shape; 毫无头绪 be in a hopeless tangle
        始终:    from beginning to end; from start to finish; all along; throughout 物价始终保持稳定。 prices remain stable throughout. 宴会始终充满亲切友好的气氛。 the banquet was full of cordial and friendly atmosphere from beginning to end.; 始终标记 sentinel
        无头:    acephalia; acephalism acephaly; headless
        毫无:    not in the least
        有头绪:    settle into shape
        件事:    ereignis; everything
        报头绪论:    preamble
        理出头绪:    gather up the threadsget thing into shape
        头绪纷繁:    have complicated causes and implications
        头绪万千:    have too many things to attend to; the clue is extremely confused -- the issue is perplexing and embarrassing
        我没有头绪:    i have no idea
        有了头绪:    be on the scent
        有头绪了吗:    got any idea


  1. "有键喇叭"英文
  2. "有键乐器"英文
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  4. "有件礼物送给你"英文
  5. "有件事就是想你"英文
  6. "有件事我一直想告诉你"英文
  7. "有健康, 不健全"英文
  8. "有健康的身体才有健康的精神"英文
  9. "有健全的身体"英文
  10. "有健全的争端解决机制"英文


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