有些: some书籍: books; works; literature伟大的励志书: pushing to the front励志: lztopic; self-improvement杂志书: mook书籍: books; works; literature 非小说类书籍 nonfiction books有些: 1.(有的) some 有些人 some people; 有些学生在看书, 有些学生在听广播。 some students were reading, some were listening to the radio.2.(有一些) somewhat; rather 有些不好意思 be somewhat embarrassed; 有些失望 be rather disappointed励志敏: li zhimin励志堂: rideau hall郑励志: zheng lizhi晨间励志: study in the morning登山励志: why i climb励志成功篇: struggle and strive励志丛书: inspirational book每日励志: dailymotivator遥望(励志篇): look into the distance励志旅游公司: incentive europeqed (书籍): qed (book)书籍的: dogs ear; dog's-ear书籍商: bibliopole; book seller书籍纸: book paper; book printing paper; text paper有些,几个: a few有些……的: logical magicalishsomewhatt有些爱: gimme some love有些人: some people