池塘月色: the pond-moonlight荷塘月色: moonlight on the lotus pond荷塘月色(选段): the lotus pool by moonlight (excerpt)荷唐月色: rainbow green湖光月色: the (shimmering) moonlight on the lake满街月色: (the) moonlight flooded the streets满庭月色: the courtyard was flooded by moonlight秋湖月色: autumn lake on a moonlit night新罗月色: kick the moon月色澄清: clear moonlight月色花香: moon fragrance月色辉映: the moon is shining in the clear sky月色昏黄: faint moonlight月色渐暗: the moon gets darker and darker月色晶莹: the moon was as clear as crystal月色撩人: moon struck; moonstruck; the bride and the wolf; touched by the moon; under the moonlight月色满街: the moonlight flooded the streets月色迷朦: the moon donned a fuzzy cloak月色明朗: the moon shines clear and bright.; the moon is bright月色清白: the moon was white and clear月色清寒: clear cold moonlight月色清明: clear and bright moonlight sober and calm月色无光: the moon was dimmed月色盈庭: the courtyard was flooded by moonlight月嫂: modern matron in the maternity services月三日: thirteenth