Abnormally heavy or extended menstrual flow 月经过多异常多或长时间的月经来潮
Menarche occurred at 13 years of age and the menstrual cycle remained within normal limits until the onset of menorrhagia 月经于13岁开始,一直到发生月经过多症以前,经期正常。
According to the blood test , you are suffering from an iron deficiency anaemia , probably due to your heavy periods 根据血液检查,说明你得的是缺铁性贫血,可能和你的月经过多有关。
The criteria for repeat uae included symptomatic iable fibroid tumors , persistent pelic pain , and menorrhagia 确证子宫动脉栓塞包括一些纤维瘤的系统变量,如持久性骨盆痛和月经过多。
Mea is an effective , minimally invasive procedure for the safe treatment of menorrhagia in a wide range of patients Mea是一项用于治疗大范围的月经过多患者的安全有效且创伤极小的手术操作。