月球: moon; selen-; seleno-; selen ...勘测者: cruiser计划: plan; project; programme; de ...月球勘测者: lunar prospector全球勘测者: mgs火星环球勘测者: mgs mars global surveyor; mgs, mars global surveyor火星全球勘测者: mars global surveyor火星全球勘测者号: mgs月球轨道者计划: lunar orbiter program月球勘测轨道飞行器: lro勘测者: cruiser; locator; surveyor月球勘察: lunar reconnaissance月球勘探者: lunar prospector勘测者五号: surveyv森林勘测者: timber cruiser地球勘测卫星: earth exploration satellite系留气球勘测: captive balloon survey测距者计划: ranger program先行者计划: eap火星探路者计划: mars pathfinder科技善用者计划: power users of technology南非矿山勘测者协会会刊: journal of the institute of mine surveyors of south african月球计划: luna programme地震勘测计划: seismic program月球及行星观测者协会: association of lunar and planetary observers