月亮: moon下: below; down; under; undernea ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...竹: bamboo月亮下的竹子: bamboo moon月亮下去了: the moon is down在月亮下面: under the moon同一个月亮下: under the same moon竹之: takeyuki竹之锭: takenojo竹之辅: takenosuke竹之介: takenosuke竹之内: takenouchi竹之佑: takenosuke竹之助: takenosuke竹之佐: takenosuke竹之丞: takenojo月亮: moon 通过望远镜观察月亮 view the moon through a telescope; 月亮渐盈, 直到正圆,然后消亏。 the moon waxes till it becomes full, and then wanes.; 月亮门 moon gate破竹之势: an irresistible force; easy to attain success; overwhelming force竹之子族: takenoko-zoku葱翠的竹林: a green bamboo grove下的: baixa; baixo; inferior; lower; nieder; subaltern; subordinate; top-down搅拌用的竹片: rudder鲜或冷的竹笋: bamboo shoots, fresh or chilled〔英方〕月亮。: parish lantern