最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...重要: important; significant; majo ...优先: take precedence; have priori ...项目: item; article; clause; subje ...重要优先项目: high priority次重要优先项目: lower priority主要优先项目: higher priority重要优先投资项目: high priority investment ship; high-priority investment ship优先项目: priority环境优先项目: environmental priority绝对优先项目: first priority最重要位优先: most significant bit first最重要的项目: most important item eg in a display全美优先项目组织: npp优先项: preferred term国家发展的优先项目: national development priority最重要: above all; the most important, advanced or responsible position索要优先权: privilegium exigendi; privilegiumexigendi南美洲一体化优先项目清单: inventory of priority projects for south american integration但最重要的: but most of all是最重要的: keeeverybody busy首先,最重要地: above all最重要的: above all; cardinal; first-line; foremost a. most important; main; primarily--- of first importance; primary; staple; supreme; topdrawer; uppermost最重要的人: number one最重要的是: above all; and most of all a wedding ring; in chief; most important of all; most of all