最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...适合: rightness; trim; appositenes ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...褶皱: wrinkle轴: axle; shaft最适合的: autofit; optimal最适合的面: bestfit plane最适合的行高: autofit对最适合的事物: the very thing for最适合的工作、位置: the most suitable job/position褶皱轴: axis of folding; axisoffolding; fold axis; fold-axis褶皱轴带: axial belt of folding褶皱轴迹: fold axial trace褶皱轴面: axial surface of fold褶皱轴倾: slant of the fold-axis褶皱轴倾伏: fold-axis plunging褶皱轴线: axial line of fold褶皱轴向: fold axial trend褶皱轴旋转: fold axial rotation脸上的褶皱: wrinkles on the face foldfolding证实的褶皱: tested fold适合的: adaptable; adapted; adaptive; adequate; agreeable; answerable; appropriate; befitting; compatibility; compatible a. suitable; conformable; congruent; congruous; geeignet adj; good; idoneous; meet; popular; prosperous; suited; wieldy第一期褶皱轴: first-fold axis褶皱轴的倾伏: plunge of fold axis褶皱轴倾伏角: pitch of fold axis