Cysts should be excised and sterilized to avoid ingestion by the definitive host . 应该切除包囊并予以销毁,以防止被最终宿主食入。
This desease is spread by the dissemination of viable tapeworm ova from the feces of infected dogs and other definitive hosts . 这种病是随着已受感染的狗及其它最终宿主的粪便中活的绦虫虫卵的散布而传播的。
The asd mutants of salmonella thphimurium have an obligate requirement for diaminapimlic acid ( dap ) and will undergo lysis in environments deprived of dap 挑取单菌落质粒鉴定后,分别将其电击经中间宿主x3730转入最终宿主x4072 。
Toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies oftheintermediate rat hosts , including in the brain . toxoplasma gondii is a common site found in the guts of cats ; itsheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals thatareeaten by cats 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。
Toxoplasma gondii is a common parasite found in the guts of cats ; it sheds eggs that are picked up by rats and other animals that are eaten by cats . toxoplasma forms cysts in the bodies of the intermediate rat hosts , including in the brain 这种寄生虫以猫为最终宿主,所以差不多有10的猫带有弓浆虫病,而人猪牛羊狗鸟和鼠类等都是弓浆虫的中间宿主。