最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...深: deep的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...最内的,最深的: innermost最深的懊悔: the greatest regret最深的恐惧: deepest fear,最深的愉悦: the deepest joys关系最深的一造: most diligent party最深的室内水池: world's deepest swimming pool家能治愈最深的伤痛: home hopes to heal the deepest pain要赋予婚姻最深的意义: to give marriage its deepest meaning最深的或最靠里面的部分: deepest or innermost part你将在最深的友谊里发现它: you'll find it in the deepest friendship我们之间有一个无人知晓的最深的秘密: here is the deepest secret no one knows在我最深的恐惧里我失去了你: in my deepest fears i'm losing you深的: advanced; dark light; dense; prefound; profunda; profundi; profundus; rooted deep; thick; tief; zero最深层: bottommost layer最深处: deepest point; innermost草深的: grassy测深的: bathometric; bathymetrical超深的: ultra-deep等深的: bathometric; isobathic; isobathymetric高深的: advanced根深的: deep rooted; ingrain; inveterate海深的: bathymetrical