最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...常见: common的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...爱好: like; love; be fond of; catc ...最常见的: modal; the most common最常见的值: modal value; most probable value模态的;最常见的: modal最常见的成分: modal composition最常见的速率: modal speed最常见的症状: most relevant symptom感冒是最常见的: differential diagnosis of the disease is not infrequently difficult女性最常见的癌症: the most common cancer among women最常见的环保纸: environmental friendly paper(北美东部最常见的一种)野猫: bobcat n最常见的当属镜象站点: mirror sites最常见的英美商务词汇词义的差异: differences between british and american english常见的: common; frequent; garden; hackneyed; usual最常见风向: most frequent wind direction; mostfrequentwinddirection不常见的: a.uncommon常见的除: charles aznavour常见的错误: a common error常见的还有: a trading firm a printing firm常见的危险: common hazards常见的问题: faq frequently asked questions对……的爱好,喜爱: taste for; tastefor