最大: maximum无效: of no avail; to no avail; in ...量: measure capacity无效量: ineffective dose最大有效量: maximal effective dose最大无环子图: feedback edge/vertex set最大无影响量: maximum noneffect level最大无作用量: maximum no-effect level (mnl); maximum no-effect level (mnl)动物最大无作用量: animal zooplasty最大无畸变输出: maximum undistorted output; undistorted maximum output最大无燃料重量: maximum zero fuel weight最大无影响剂量: maximum no effect level最大无症状剂量: has highest asymptomatic dose最大无作用剂量: maxial noneffective dose; edo; maximal non-effect dose; maximum no-effect dose; maximum non-effect dose最大无作用浓度: maximum ineffective concentration最大无作用水平: maximum non-effect level最大无故障工作时间: mtbf maximal time between faults最大无失真输出功率: maximum undistorted power output最大无因次破损长度: maximum non-dimensional damage length无效的最大行数: invalid maximum lines等效量: equivalent全效量: full effective dose; fulleffectivedose有效量: effective amount; effective dose; effective quantity; significant quantity; useful quantity无效: of no avail; to no avail; invalid; null and void; nullity (合同等的); in vain; unavailability; ineffectiveness; inefficiency; futility; flop 宣布选举无效 nullify an election; 医治无效 fail to respond to medical treatment; 宣布决定无效 declare decision invalid; 无效的契约 an invalid contract; 无效投资 make the investment inefficient; 无效法律行为 nullity of juristic act; 无效分蘖 [农业] ineffective tillering; 无效功 lost work; 无效合同 invalid contract; 无效劳动 lost labour (in agricultural production); 无效期 adynamic stage; 无效诉讼 annulment suit; 无效条款 irritancy; 无效约因 infirmative consideration大无极: sobig