最大: maximum公称: nominal; rated; indicated破碎: tattered; broken比: 2最大公称粒径: nmas额定最大破碎比: nominal maximum reduction ratio破碎比: ratio of crushing; ratio of reduction; ratio of size reduction; size reduction ratio比能;破碎比功: specific energy工作破碎比: working reduction ratio平均破碎比: mean reduction ratio总破碎比: gross reduction ratio; total reduction rate减速比破碎比: reduction ratio最大公倍数: gcm最大公测度: greatest common measure最大公差: maximum allowance最大公因: greatest common divisor最大公因数: greatest common divisor最大公因子: ggt; greatest common divisor; greatest common factor; groesster gemeinsamer teiler; higher common factor; highest common factor最大公约: highest common divisor最大公约数: gcd; greater common divisor; greater common factor; greatest common divisor; greatest common measure; highest common divisor; highest common factor; le plus grand commun diviseur; maximal common divisor超过最大公差: overmeasure最大公共子模: greatest common submodule最大公共子群: greatest common subgroup大公称直径圆机的针数: knitting machinesnumbers of needles for circular knitting machines with large diameterer最大公用子图形: maximal common subgraph