最佳: the best; optimum防护: protect; shelter; shield; gu ...区域: area; beat; reach; domain; p ...防护区域: zone of protection最佳防御: best defense; optimum defense最佳防守阵容: all-defensive team最佳防治理论: optimal control theory防护区: guard plot; hazard; protected area; protective area; protective zonenba最佳防守球员: nba defensive player of the year award你提供了最佳防: offer up your best defense防护区长: firewarden防护区段: protected section静电防护区: epa雷电防护区: lightning protection zone (lpz)卫生防护区: protective sanitary zone; sanitary protection zone; sanitaryprotectionzone鱼雷防护区: torpedo screen最佳保护区: optimum guard zone保护区域: guarded section; protected area; protected zone; protective area受保护区域: protected areas; protected field货物围护区域: cargo containment area水源保护区域: water protection zone区域最佳化: optimization of regions卫生防护区,卫生防护带: spz保护范围,保护区域: zone of protection行动区域;预定自然保护区: action area