What ' s the minimum quantity of an order for your goods 你们订货的最低量是多少?
The minimal amount of tgev cdna can be detected was about 120 pg in this research 本研究中探针tp检测到tgevcdna最低量为120pg 。
Law of minimum 最低量定律
This usually occurs with minor operations such as inguinal hernia repairs and can be avoided by keeping fluids to a minimum 这种情况通常发生于很小的手术如腹股沟斜疝修补术,维持液体至最低量即可避免。
“ for a prediction to be successful , the probability of occurrence in a time interval and a space domain must be specified in advance , as must the lower magnitude “一项预测称之为成功,发生的概率,包括时间的间隔、位置的范围,以及最低量级,均必须事先明确。