最低: lowest; minimum估计: estimate; evaluate; take sto ...净收入: net income; net receipt; net ...把…作最低估计: reduce the true value or importance of累计净收益: accumulated net income估计净减额: estimated net decrease估计净减数: estimated net decrease估计净利: estimated net profit估计净能: estimated net energy估计净能值: estimated net energy value估计净增数: estimated net increase; estimatednetincrease净收入: net income; net receipt; net revenue 在过去的三年中每人的净收入增长了大约16%。 the net income per head rose by about 16 percent in the past three years过低估计: underestimation; underestimate 他们过低估计了他的才能。 they underestimated his abilities累计净收益计算书: statement of accumulated net income净收入;收入净额: net receipt罚款净收入: net amercement income国民净收入: net national income净收入表: sample:net income statement税后净收入: net income after tax; net of tax income税前净收入: net income before tax外汇净收入: net foreign exchange earnings销货净收入: net proceeds from sales营业净收入: net income from operation; net operating income; net revenue收入不足累计净额: net aggregate shortfallsales销售净收入: sales revenue = net