最: most; best; worst; first; ve ...不: a block of wood重要: important; significant; majo ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...最不重要的消息: least significant information最后但并不是最不重要的: last but not least最不重要: least important不重要的: circumstantial; immaterial; inconsequential; indifferent; inessential; minor; nonsignificant; of no account; small potatoes; unconsidered; unimportant不重要的点: tangential point不重要的峰: uninteresting peak不重要的人: featherweightnonessentialwhippersnapper; insignificancy; whippersnapper不重要的事: inconsequentia; indifference较不重要的: minor最不重要端口: ls least significant port; lsp least significant port最后但并不是最不重要的(一点): last but not least表示不重要的: not count不重要的, 废了的: off the map不重要的部分: unimportant point不重要的东西: bagatelle; pip squeak; unessential不重要的多数: trivial many不重要的诗人: minor poets不重要的细节: minutia - essential point / vital feature不重要的消息: a lightweight news item不重要的小镇: tank town琐碎的,不重要的: trivial