

发音:   用"暗藏春色"造句
  • have hidden corners for amorous surpose
  • 暗藏:    hide; conceal
  • 春色:    spring scenery; the beauty o ...
  • 暗藏:    hide; conceal 暗藏的敌人 concealed enemy; 暗藏枪支 conceal firearms; illegally possess firearms; 他越狱后, 暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。 after breaking out of the jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse
  • 春色:    1.(春天的景色) spring scenery; the beauty of spring 水乡春色 spring scenery in a waterside village2.(酒后脸上泛红或脸上呈现的喜色) cheerful looking; the redness or happy expression on one's face
  • 藏春阁:    penthouse


        暗藏:    hide; conceal
        春色:    spring scenery; the beauty o ...
        暗藏:    hide; conceal 暗藏的敌人 concealed enemy; 暗藏枪支 conceal firearms; illegally possess firearms; 他越狱后, 暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。 after breaking out of the jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse
        春色:    1.(春天的景色) spring scenery; the beauty of spring 水乡春色 spring scenery in a waterside village2.(酒后脸上泛红或脸上呈现的喜色) cheerful looking; the redness or happy expression on one's face
        藏春阁:    penthouse
        暗藏的敌人:    a snake in the grass; concealed enemy
        暗藏的动机:    a nigger in the fence
        暗藏枪支:    conceal firearms
        暗藏杀机:    sparks; the secret adversary
        暗藏危险的:    treacherous
        报春色素:    hirsutidin
        报春色素苷:    hirsutin
        碧海春色:    the captain's table
        彩鸾春色:    three sailors and a girl
        春色撩人:    spring scenery provokes people's interest
        春色满德州:    best little whorehouse in texas
        春色满华堂:    amorous happenings in the splendid hall
        春色满西厢:    romance in the west chamber
        春色满园:    the garden was gay with blossoms of every bue.; a garden full of the beauty of spring; a garden overflowing with the beauties of springtime; the garden is bursting with spring vegetation.; the garden is full of spring flowers.; the garden is full of the vigor of springtime.; thriving and prosperous; with lovely flowers everywhere, the garden is a blaze of colour
        春色恼人:    suffer from love in spring; the spring countenance is irritating
        春色无边:    love fiesta
        春色一箩筐:    dogfight
        豆腐春色:    bachelor of hearts
        歌场春色:    pleasures of the dance hall
        海滨春色:    springtime on the beach


  1. "暗舱帘"英文
  2. "暗舱起飞"英文
  3. "暗舱罩打开手柄"英文
  4. "暗舱着陆"英文
  5. "暗藏"英文
  6. "暗藏的不利因素,含混不清"英文
  7. "暗藏的敌方特务人员"英文
  8. "暗藏的敌人"英文
  9. "暗藏的敌人或危险"英文
  10. "暗藏的动机"英文


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