- have hidden corners for amorous surpose
- 暗藏: hide; conceal
- 春色: spring scenery; the beauty o ...
- 暗藏: hide; conceal 暗藏的敌人 concealed enemy; 暗藏枪支 conceal firearms; illegally possess firearms; 他越狱后, 暗藏在一个无人居住的农舍里。 after breaking out of the jail, he hid out in a deserted farmhouse
- 春色: 1.(春天的景色) spring scenery; the beauty of spring 水乡春色 spring scenery in a waterside village2.(酒后脸上泛红或脸上呈现的喜色) cheerful looking; the redness or happy expression on one's face
- 藏春阁: penthouse