Even so, it was free from the class-consciousness implicit in british humor of the same sort . 即使如此,它完全没有同类英国幽默中暗含的那种阶级意识。
When press queries cascaded in, i did not back off the implied threat though i would not have recommended it . 当报界大量提出问题时,我并没有从这一暗含的威胁后退,尽管我并不主张提出这样的威胁。
No one doubts the need for such regulations, but their excessive or discriminatory use can be implicitly protectionist . 没有人怀疑这些规章的必要性,但其过分地或带有歧视性地使用具有暗含的保护主义。
They overlooked the enormous risks involved 他们忽略了暗含的巨大危险。
Elena hood : i ' m going to try hard not to understand the implications of that 艾琳娜?胡德:我正在努力尝试着不要去理解那些话暗含的意思。