智能: intellect; intelligence; min ...卡: wedge; get stuck; be jammed在: exist; be living商业: commerce; trade; business大厦: edifice; large building; man ...中的: hit the target; hit the mark ...应用: apply; use; application; app ...数学在商业中的应用: mathematics with business applications即兴创作在商业上的应用: dynamic leadership: using improvisation in business人工智能在游戏中的应用: msc artificial intelligence for games商业大厦: commercial building中的应用: application of high performance ca/zn heat stabilizer on the rigid pvc杭州商业大厦: hangzhou commercial center华联商业大厦: overseas union house金皇商业大厦: sultan plaza商业大厦布线: commercial building cabling邵氏商业大厦: shaw plaza实荣商业大厦: serangoon plaza亚洲商业大厦: asia chambers盈丰商业大厦: winfield commercial building语义场理论在商务英语词汇教学中的应用: the application of semantic field theory to teaching business english lexis计算智能在电力系统中的应用: computational intelligence applications to power systems智能卡: intellectual card, ic; intelligence card(ic) ic; intelligent card; sc smart card; smart cards商业上的应用: business application柴油中的应用: rapid simulated distillation applied to the analysis on coker gasoline and diesel