普: general; universal天下: China or the world; land und ...普天下欢庆: make joyful noise to all the lands普天下任何事情: anything under the sun普天: pochon; potevio; putan普天间: futenma普天马: optima普天视: pts普天寿: prudential douglas elliman天下: 1.(指中国或世界) china or the world; land under heaven2.(统治权) rule; domination 打天下 conquer the country; seize state power; 天下大势, 分久必合, 合久必分。 the general trend under heaven is that there is bound to be unification after prolonged division and division after prolonged unification安普天润: eci巴普天文台: vainu bappu observatory普天同庆: the whole world or nation joins in the jubilation普天同享: all human rights for all普天之下: all over the world中国普天: china putian; potevio; ptic遍天下: from china to peru打天下: 1.(夺取政权) struggle to seize state power; seize state power by armed forces2.(创立事业) establish an enterprise; start an enterprise; set up an enterprise; build up one's position喊天下: han tian xia甲天下: number one in the world; the finest under heaven 桂林山水甲天下。 the mountains and waters of guilin are the finest under heaven列天下: long xing tian xia满天下: a mighty wind天下, 究竟: under the sun天下的: subastral; subcelestial天下贰: world two