是: Semantics靠: lean against走道: pavement; sidewalk; path; wa ...的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...座位: seat; place靠走道座位: an aisle seat靠走道还是靠窗: aisle or window是靠窗的座位: window seat靠过道的座位: an aisle seat靠通道的座位: aisle seat靠近过道的座位: aisle seat靠走廊座位: seat by the aisle(座位中的)走道: aisle走道座位: tempat duduk disamping lorong分开的座位: separate seats靠窗的座位: window seat楼上的座位: stage actor sreat balcony前排的座位: orchestra section舒适的座位: comfortable seats司机的座位: the diver’s seat新的座位表: new seating plan议长的座位: woolsack预定的座位: reserved seating; return fares主教的座位: cathedra坐……的座位: take one's place