是: Semantics时候: time去: go; leave爱: love是时候: about time我们都知道现在正是时候去呼吸新鲜空气: girl i realize that every time i see your face i know什么时候去做: when是时候了: it's about time; it’s about time是时候做……: it’s late. it’s time we went home这正是时候: this is the right time真不是时候: talk about bad timing正是时候: high time你什么时候去上班: when will you go to work你什么时候去上学: when do you go to school来吧,是时候走啦: come on it's time to go是时候离开了: it's time to burry是时候释怀了: life has moved on and so should you现在是时候了: now the time is here不合时宜, 不是时候: out of time你来得正是时候: you are just in time是时候来点水份了: it's time to get wet是时候面对风雨了: it’s time to face the storm是时候我该离开了: that it’s time for me to go我感到是时候了: and i feel the time is right这场雨下的是时候: this rain has come at just the right time