In " hot labels " , you can find keywords used most by users to label their collected words 热门标签的目标是助你写作时事倍功半
We help others with our palms down ; we ask for help with our palms up ; helping brings happiness , begging brings pain 手心向下是助人,手心向上是求人;助人快乐,求人痛苦。
Our policy thinking is to help people to help themselves , with a focus on increasing employment and reducing inter - generational poverty 我们的政策理念是助人自助,重点是要促进就业及减少跨代贫穷。
As readers learn more about nature , visits to the country will be much more fun . if you want to explore hong kong s ecological wonders , don t miss this functional title 对动植物知多一点点,郊游乐趣必然倍增,本书是助你踏进精彩生态旅程的优良工具。
Fierce rivalry and a fair dose of fun characterise the local and international races , as crews paddle their narrow , dragon - headed craft along the water before cheering spectators 虽说祭神,其实是助人。这种行善积德,祈求来生可以再世为人,不必做牛马畜牲的观念,中国人称为积阴德。
是: Semantics助: help; assist; aid; support是专为它供给水流的: the canal loves to think that rivers exist solely to supply it with water是著名的薄胎瓷器: it is the best quality procelain―the famous eggshell chinaa是子: koreko是著名的: lady godiva是子对抗任务: electronic countermeasures mission是主语吧: such inns as there were是棕色: brown brown是主语: as it does to me; presents = the present writings是宗: koremune是主题原型: aaa