是: Semantics一种: one kind; one type; one spec ...助消化: aid digestion药: medicine; drug; remedy助消化药: digestants; digestive tonic消化药(剂) 助消化药: digestant一种流行的助消化药的商标名: alka seltzer助消化: aid digestion 助消化, 除油腻 help digest greasy food; 助消化剂 digester; digestive消化药: digestives, digestants; digestivum是一种消化酶类药: entolase hp帮助消化: help digestion; to produce an effect toward clear vision refreshment and digestion helping有助消化的: peptic助消化,除油腻: help digest greasy food助消化的: digestant; peptogenic助消化剂: digestant; digestive tonic复方消化药: compound digestant健胃消化药: digestive and stomachic消化药类: digestants药用助消化剂: digestives for pharmaceutical purposes助消化除油腻: help digest greasy food助消化的食物: foods which aid digestion助消化剂中毒: poisoning by digestant种助: tanesuke胃的;可消化的;助消化的;消化液的: peptic是一种: is-a-kind-of-a