春: spring泥: cover or daub with plaster,p ...系列: succession; series; bank; se ...春泥: dj joe remix; spring soil沉泥系数: silt factor腐植煤泥系: humosapropelic series排泥系统: sludge - discharge system水泥系数: cement factor活性污泥系统: activated sludge system系列: succession; series; bank; set; set family; train 一系列的灾难 a succession of disasters; 一系列的问题 a series of problems; 一系列政策 a whole set of policies; 系列试题 test series; 运载系列 vehicle series; 系列化 seriation; 系列产品 series of products; 系列词源 serial homology; (产品) 系列化 serialization of products; systematization; seriate 固定水泥系数法: fixed cement factor method; fixed-cement-factor method活性污泥系的驯化: acclimation of activated sludge system水泥系深层搅拌法: cement deemixing method氧活化污泥系统: oxygen activated sludge system间歇式活性污泥系统: sequencing batch reactor activated sludge system007系列: casino royale7系列: bmw 7 seriesdiscovery系列: alien neighbors; heavens abovefifa系列: fifa seriesgundam系列: super deformed gundamh8系列: h8 familyimax系列: galapagos; the secret of life on earthk10系列: new amd64 corek系列: new amdcoresimple系列: simple series