If people give up when it ' s winter , they will miss the promise of their spring , the beauty of their summer , and the fulfillment of their fall 当你在冬天时候就放弃,你就会错过春天的希望、夏天的美丽、秋天的收获。
It was the best of times , it was the worst of times ; it was the age of wisdom , it was the age of foolishness ; it was the epoch of belief , it was the epoch of incredulity ; it was the season of light , it was the season of darkness ; it was the spring of hope , it was the winter of despair ; we had everything before us , we had nothing before us ; we were all going direct to heaven , we were all going direct the other way 这是个好时代也是个坏时代;这是个聪明的年龄也是个愚蠢的年龄;这是个值得信任的时期也是个值得怀疑的时期;这是个明媚的季节也是个灰暗的季节;这里有春天的希望也有冬日的阴霾;我们的面前什么都有也一无所有;我们可能直接进入天堂也可能下地狱。
春天: spring; springtime的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...希望: hope; wish; expect; want; de ...春天的: spring water; vernal春天的,和煦的: vernal春天的承诺: a promise of spring春天的杜鹃: kukushka; the cuckoo春天的风暴: storm of spring春天的歌: spring song春天的故事: a tale of springtime; conte de printemps; story of spring; tales of four seasons春天的花: spring′flowers春天的狂想: rhapsody of spring春天的轮舞: spring rounds rondes printanieres春天的气息: the tinges of spring春天的时候: the country is very green in spring春天的苏醒: spring awakening春天的葬礼: a funeral in spring春天的征兆: the harbingers of spring dansre des adolescentes春天的祝福: bless of spring; blessing of spring; happiness in spring春天的魅力: et veris auctoritas and spring's power抱着……的希望: in hope of成功的希望: possibility; promise大家的希望: hoffnung für alle带着…的希望: with the hope of当选的希望: any hope of being elected