星球大战: strategic defense initiative ...i: pron. (pl. we ) 〔人称代词,第一人称,单 ...魅: goblin; evil spirit; demon影: shadow危机: crisis; crunch星球大战前传之魅影危机: star wars: episode i - the phantom menace星球大战之魅影危机: star wars: episode i - the phantom menace魅影危机: star wars i the phantom menace; star wars: episode i - the phantom menace星球大战首部曲:危机四伏: star wars: episode i - the phantom menace星球大战: [美国] strategic defense initiative (sdi); a star war 以太空为基地的 “星球大战” 防卫计划 space-based “star wars” defence program; 星球大战计划 the star war program星球大战1: star wars episode i: the phantom menace星球大战3: star wars: episode iii - revenge of the sith星球大战4: star wars episode iv a new hope; star wars episode4 a new hope星球大战6: star wars episode; star wars: episode星球大战六: star wars episode6 return of the jedi; star wars: episode星球大战五: star wars episode乐高星球大战: lego star wars ii - the original trilogy lucasarts entertainment usa星球大战计划: sdi; star wars program; star wars project; strategic defense initiative星球大战年表: dates in star wars星球大战前传: star wars - the new droid army; star wars episode ii - attack of the clones; star wars episode ii attack of the clones; star wars: episode i - the phantom menace星球大战之六: star wars episode星战前传之魅影危机: star wars - the phantom menace; the phantom menace星球大战-帝国反击战: star wars episode星球大战4-新的希望: star wars episode iv a new hope星球大战6绝地归来: star wars episode