In the song dynasty monk qing su held jiuhua poets association , and monk xi tan compiled jiuhua collection of poems . many famous poets and artists have visited jiuhua mountain , including li bai , liu yuxi , du mu , mei yaochen , wang anshi , wen tianxiang , tang xianzu , zhang daqian . some of their authentic works of painting and calligraphy remain today , and are preserved in jiuhua museum of buddhism relics 此后刘禹锡杜牧萨都刺梅尧臣王安石周必大文天祥王阳明汤显祖董其昌袁枚魏源康有为张大千等历代大诗人文学家画家相继来游,留有不少佳作真足迹,有些至今还保存在九华山佛教文物馆。