Im glad , dolohov made a brief , sharp reply , as was required to fit in with the tune 正像歌词所要求的那样,多洛霍夫简而明地答道。
This book , which was a simple outline of the periodic table and atomic structure , impressed me greatly 这本书简明地概述了元素周期表和原子的结构,给我留下了极为深刻的印象。
Out of ignorance , i would give in to anger , to a complaining , worrying mind . but i discovered that if you succumb to maya s trap , your tests in life will be doubled 有时自己也会无明地愤怒抱怨忧伤,但我发现当你屈服于魔王的陷阱时,你所要学的功课将加倍地加诸于你。
He leaned his elbow on the table with the pen in his hand , and obviously rejoiced at the possibility of saying by word of mouth all he meant to write , he told the contents of his letter to rostov 他手里拿着钢笔,用胳膊肘支撑着桌子,很明显,他高兴的是,有机会立刻把他想写的话简而明地全说出来,于是向罗斯托夫道出信中的内容。
When the pain became unendurable , i complained why master had not come to save me . in my ignorance , i said unpleasant things about her , but immediately heard a voice saying , " okay . now you ve forced me out by criticizing me 在病痛难忍之际,还埋怨师父怎么不来救徒儿,无明地骂了师父一声,马上耳边有人说:好,你把师父骂出来了,告诉你,生病是福报,有什么好抱怨的?