How far is the meeting running behind schedule 会议比预定的时间落后多少?
This incident comforted me greatly that i ' m not far lagged behind from the time , and unlike most of my high school classmates who were said to have long ago become some nothing - to - do retirees and are constantly bewildered ( or perplexed 这个事件非常安慰我,我没被远从时间落后于,并且与据说很久以前变得一些什么的同班同学我的差不多一中学不同做退休者并且被经常迷惑(或者迷惑,好吗? )
For most contracts , the above three phases are coherent , but there are several contracts which take effect after their concluding , so there is a special phase when the contract is concluded but not takes effect yet , which is called in abbreviation " the phase when a contract has not taken effect " in this paper 对于多数合同而言,上述三个阶段是相互连贯的,但还有少数合同其生效时间落后于成立时间,从而存在一个成立之后生效之前的特殊阶段,本文简称其为“合同未生效阶段” 。
时间: time; hour落后: fall behind; lag behind时间落后模型: lag patterns时间落差: time lag落后时间: lag time落后: 1.(落在后面) fall behind; lag behind 落后于时代 behind the times; 谦虚谨慎, 永不落后 ! be modest and prudent, never lag behind! 我的思想老落后于现实。 my thinking always lags behind reality. 上半场主队落后一分。 the home team trailed by one point at half time.2.(不先进) backward 技术落后 backward in technique; 改变山区落后面貌 put an end to the backwardness of the mountainous areas; 落后窗 lag window; 落后地区 backward areas; less developed areas; 落后分子 backward element; 落后角 deviation angle; lag angle; 落后特性 lag characteristic夜间落地: night landing落后于计划进度,晚于规定时间: behind ;schedule不落后: keeup; keeuwith sb/sth落后,滞后: lag落后,拖拉…: be behind in落后;拖欠: fall behind落后班: backward class落后兵: backward pawn落后潮: lagging of tide落后窗: lag window落后的: backward; behindhand; lagged; lagging; slow; straggly; underdeveloped落后地: behindhand; laggingly落后角: angle of lag; angle of retard; deviation angle落后性: backwardness落后于: get behind; lag behind; lag verb落后在: fall behind in落后者: laggard延迟, 落后: be behind滞延,落后: lagging