时期: period的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...林分: standing forest; stand; crop ...长时期的: prolonged某一时期的: periodic青春时期的: young时期的护士: civil war nurse barbie史前时期的: prehistory prehistory同时期的: coetaneous; contemporaneous/cotemporaneous; homochronous一定时期的: period decimals; periodic中世时期的: secondary阿舍利时期的: acheulean阿秀尔时期的: acheulean长时期的监禁: a long term of imprisonment高海面时期的: thalassocratic前地质时期的: pregeologic新技术时期的: neotechnic林分: [林学] standing forest; stand; crop; forest stand◇林分测定 inventory of stand; 林分改造 stand conversion发展时期的困难: growing pains非常时期的权力: emergency powers高海面时期的;造海的: thalassocratic古植物地质时期的: palaeophytic过度时期的安排: arrangements during the transitional period过渡时期的调整: transitional adjustment过渡时期的官员: transition officials