旧: past; bygone; old的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...条款: clause; article; provision变更的条款: changed conditions回收的条款: call provision苛刻的条款: oppressive clause默示的条款: implied terms确定的条款: firm term商定的条款: provisions already agreed upon宪章的条款: chantism: the point of the charter协定的条款: articles of an agreement议定的条款: negotiated terms专门的条款: special provision不合理的条款: unreasonable terms合同等的条款: terms and conditions可更新的条款: renewable clause可抗辩的条款: contestable clause可任选的条款: optional provision适合性的条款: conformance clause已商定的条款: the provisions already agreed upon有争议的条款: a contentious clause保留所有权的条款: retention of title clause保险政策的条款: terms of an insurance policy必须遵守的条款: mandatory clause不可否认的条款: incontestability clause