



        :    and
        :    teach; instruct
        :    group
        新闻:    news
        多机组新闻轮转印刷机:    multi-unit newspaper rotary press
        拜日教:    mithraism
        教组联:    wcotp
        筹组新车队:    sonic cruiser
        波斯拜日教:    mithraism
        今日教育:    education today; today's education
        莒光日教学:    pw education column
        佛教组织:    buddhist organizations
        天主教组织:    roman catholic church organisation
        宗教组织:    faith-based organization; organized religion; religious organizations
        总值日教官室:    general-duty military education
        新闻:    news 国际新闻 world news; 国外新闻 foreign news; 国内新闻 home [domestic] news; 简明新闻 news in brief; 头版新闻 front-page news; front-page story; 广播新闻 broadcast news; 传播新闻 disseminate news; mobilize news; 本地新闻 local news; 本市新闻 city news; 头条新闻 front page news; head-line news; 标题新闻 headline news; 桃色新闻 sexy news; 今晚的广播新闻 tonight's radio news; 从事新闻业 exercise the profession of journalism; 有什么新闻? what is the news?; 新闻保护法 [法律] shield law; 新闻报导 news report; newspaper report; news story; news coverage; 新>闻编辑 news editing; 新闻编辑室 (editorial) newsroom; 新闻播音员 news reader [英国]; 新闻采访 news gathering; 新闻出版 journalism; 新闻处 office of information;information service; 新闻导向(作用) the guiding role of the mass media; 新闻短片 news film; newsreel;新闻发布官 news briefing officer; press officer; 新闻发布会 news briefing; news release; press conference; 新闻发言人 news spokesman; press secretary; 新闻法 press law; 新闻封锁 news blackout; 新闻稿 press release; news release; 新闻工作者 journalist; 新闻公报 press communique; 新闻广播 newscast; 新闻广播员 newscaster; 新闻记者 newsman; newspaperman; reporter; journalist; [俚语] newshawk; newshound; 新闻检查 censorship of press; 新闻检查官 press censor; 新闻简报 news su
        伊斯兰圣教组织:    islamic jihad
        宗教组织与协会:    religious organization and association
        合伙教师(两名半日教师作为一名全日教师用):    partnership teachers
        国际天主教组织大会:    conference of international catholic organization
        世界以色列正教组织:    aguda israel world organization; aguda (agudth) israel world organization; agudath israel world organization
        国际慈善和社会行动天主教组织联合会:    caritas internationalis international confederation of catholic organization forcharitable and social action; caritas internationalis-international confederation of catholic organization forcharitable and social action; ci
        国际志愿服务基督教组织联合会:    federazione di organismi christiani di servizio internazionale volontario
        usenet新闻:    usenet news
        纯新闻:    straight news


  1. "日交通量"英文
  2. "日交通量变化图"英文
  3. "日交通密度"英文
  4. "日交易"英文
  5. "日交易限制"英文
  6. "日较差"英文
  7. "日较差;日变化幅度"英文
  8. "日接字"英文
  9. "日街"英文
  10. "日节律"英文


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