Utility does not delete the contents of user - specified tuning log tables if the session is deleted 实用工具不会删除用户指定的优化日志表的内容。
This article describes how the audit log is set up , and what data is written to the audit log table 本文描述了如何建立审核日志,以及什么样的数据要写入审核日志表中。
Maintaining a separate log table that saves the most important information from a message improves performance 维护一个单独的保存消息中最重要信息的日志表可以提高性能。
This is the reason why the process choreographer database schema does not define any indexes by default for the audit log table 这也是为什么流程编排器数据库模式缺省没有为审核日志表定义任何索引的原因。
Large object data is not stored in the article log table ; updates to lob data are always retrieved directly from the published table 大型对象( lob )数据并不存储在项目日志表中, lob数据的更新始终是从已发布的表中直接检索的。