无: not have; there is not; be w ...阶级: class; step的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...无阶级的社会: a classless society超阶级的: supra-class富有阶级的: brownstone工人阶级的: working-class蓝领阶级的: blue-collar没有阶级的: classless中产阶级的: bourgeois蓝领阶级的, 工人阶级的: blue collar无社会阶级的: casteless下层阶级的人: lowlife工人阶级的先锋队: the vanguard of the working class饥饿阶级的诅咒: curse of the starving class没有社会阶级的: casteless模仿中产阶级的: lace-curtain权力是有阶级的: scalar chain无知识阶级的人: peasant中产阶级的女人: bourgeoise中产阶级的下层: lower middle class摈弃剥削阶级的道德观念: abandon the moral values of the exploiting classes关于中产阶级的理论回顾: a review on the theory of middle class无接续网络业务: connectionless network service无阶式: no-tier无接续控制: signal connectionless control sclc