As though the gist of the matter lay in that word . and with the unfailing memory for official matters that was peculiar to him , he repeated the introductory words of the proclamation and the desire , which constitutes the sovereigns sole and immutable aim , to establish peace on a secure foundation , have determined him to despatch now a part of the troops abroad , and to make dispositions for carrying out this new project 他凭藉他那正确无讹的记忆公文的天赋,把文告中的引言重说了一遍: “国王的意愿,他唯一的坚定不移的目标乃是:在巩固的基础之上奠定欧洲的和平,现已拟定调遣部分军队出国,再度竭尽全部力量以企臻达此一目标。 ”
无: not have; there is not; be w ...讹: erroneous; mistaken的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...无讹: letter perfect查核无讹: 1.audited and found correct2.a formula for okaying accounts无恶变征象,无恶变证据: no evidence of malignancy无恶不作: commit all sorts [all manner] of crimes; be as wicked as possible; commit all kinds of atrocities; do all manner of evil; do every sort of evil thing; one's evil doings know no limits.; perpetrate every conceivable evil; stop at no evil [crime]; there is no crime of which one is not guilty无额外音: breath sounds vesicular throughout no added sounds无恶露: alochia无额外工作损坏的工件: pieces damaged no extra work无恶心和呕吐: absence of nausea and vomiting无惰性气体: inert free gas无恶意: harmlessness无舵雪橇: luge