无: not have; there is not; be w ...腔: cavity; chamber部: part; section; division; reg ...亚部: culture medium for antimicrobial susceptibility tests无腔目: acoelea东亚部: eastasian province环腔亚科: cyclocoelinae环腔亚目: cycloconelata双腔亚科: dicrocoeliinae无腔胚虫: parenchymula无腔子宫: uterus solidaris巴布亚部: papuan province巴西亚部: brazilian province马来亚部: malayan province三孔亚部: tripylina维洛奇亚部族: vherokior tribe驻阿尔巴尼亚部队: albania force澳大利亚部队支援小组: australian force support group澳大利亚部咨询顾问: consultant of australia departement拉莫拉梅希亚部长镇: ministro ramos mexia以色列和叙利亚部队脱离接触协定: agreement on disengagement between israeli and syrian forces无墙壁的: wallless无墙车库: carport无枪身聚能射孔弹: body-free shaped charge无墙大学: university without walls无枪枪手: hit without gun