无: not have; there is not; be w ...职务: post; duties; job; function的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...无职务的, 无效的, 违反道德上义务的: inofficious职务的: functionary; official职务的价值: functional value职务的认命: assignment of duty担任职务的能力: capacity to hold office担任重要职务的人: a man of affairs未派职务的人员: unassigned personnel无行政职务的法官: a ociatejudge; associate judge职务的横向扩大: horizontal job enlargement总统的,总统职务的: presidential不同职务的面试问答: questions and answers about some positions担任过重要职务的人: no.a man of affairs兼任行政职务的司法官员: ex-officio magistrate经理职务的八种类型: eighttypesofmanagers'job某些男子职务的称呼: title for certain men in official positions职务变动不需要保留原职务的: having no need to maintain his or her original post after a change of post无职业: at loose ends; inoccupation职务: post; duties; job; function 职务繁多 a multiplicity of duties; 担任校长职务 shoulder the duty of a headmaster; 他适合担任此职务。 he is fitted for the post.; 职务工资 pay according to one's post; wages appropriate to posts; wages related to special work; 职务津贴 duty allowance; 职务证书 certificate of job qualification不适宜担任某一职务的人, 不得其所的人: a square peg in a round hole共同担任同一职务的两官吏之一人: duumvir为什么你是这项职务的最佳人选: why are the best person for the job执掌最高司法职务的议员, 上议院高级法官: law lords