无: not have; there is not; be w ...翅: wing蚜: aphid; aphis无翅: apterism苜蓿斑翅蚜: spotted alfalfa aphid无翅的: apteral; apterous; apterygotous; exalate; wingless无翅类: aptergota无翅目: aptera无翅型: aptera虽无翅膀: i'm flying without wings and that's the joy you bring; you're flying without wings无翅瓣类: acalyptratae; haplostomata无翅瓣亚科: acalypteratae无翅雌蚁: ergatogyne无翅单性雌: wingless agamic female; winglessagamicfemale无翅的,无翼的: apterous无翅的小鸟: wingless bird the无翅孤雌蚜: exsules无翅金龟: wingless cockchafer无翅卵生雌: wingless oviparous female无翅脉的: nerveless无翅若虫: wingless nymphs无翅双角类: apterodicera无翅无鳞: have not fins and scales in the seas无翅雄蚁: ergataner无翅亚纲: apterygogenea; apterygota