- inconclusive verdict
- 无: not have; there is not; be w ...
- 结论: conclusion conclusion; verdi ...
- 判定: judge; decide; vote; determi ...
- 结论: 1.[逻辑学] (从推理的前提中推出来的判断) conclusion (of a syllogism)2.(最后的论断) conclusion; verdict; epilog; epilogue 匆忙下结论 jump to a conclusion; 得出结论 draw a conclusion; come to a conclusion; 历史的结论 a verdict of history; 公正的结论 a just conclusion; 相反的结论 the opposite conclusion; 得出合情合理的结论 arrive at a rational conclusion; 陪审团作出了对他有利的结论。 the verdict of the jury was given in his favour. 你不该轻率地乱下结论。 you should not jump at conclusion
- 理论判断: theoretical prediction