无: not have; there is not; be w ...离子: ion水: water离子水: ionized water除离子水: de-ionate离子水合物: ion hydrate离子水化: ion hydration去离子水: de-ionised water; deionizedwater; deionizer water; demin-water; di water软水,去离子水: soft water脱离子水: deionized water; entionisierungswasser离子水合作用: hydration of ion; ionic hydration离子水化作用: ion hydration去离子水冲洗: deionized water rinsing去离子水冷却: deionized water cooling去离子水装置: apparatus for producing deionized water玻璃离子水门汀: lgic理想离子水溶液: ideal aqueous ionic solution实验室用去离子水: deionized water for laboratory脱离子水用设备: di water facilities水的离子水的离子积常数: ion product of water并无离别: all the same无离解现象: zero dissociation橙子水: orange squash分子水: molecular water桔子水: orange juice; orangeade, orange squash; orangeade,orangesquash