无: not have; there is not; be w ...石: dan,a unit of dry measure fo ...地区: area; district; region硬岩石地区: hard-rock country坚硬岩石地区: hard rock country石地: ishichi; stonily无石棉: asbestfrei non-asbestos产石地: stone land多石地: stony ground砾石地: boulder pavement铺石地: pitching无石细胞的梨: free-stone pear无石英泥沙岩: quartz-free wacke无石英质斑岩: quartzfree porphyry宝石地报: ratnabhoomi大理石地板: marble floor多石地犁体: stony bottom含化石地层: fossiliferous strata化石地质学: oryctogeology积石地带: stone-swept terrain砾石地犁铧: cobblestone share蛮石地基: boulder base石地钱属: reboulia石地学协: aapg; american association of petroleum geologists石地衣酸: saxatilic acid