无: not have; there is not; be w ...炎: scorching; burning hot的: 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...炎的: inflammatory; phlogistic; phlogotic无炎症: no inflammation present无炎性体征: no inflammatory signs; no signs of inflammation耳炎的: otitic发炎的: angry; fiery; inflamed; an inflamed eye, a inflamed left knee; inflammatory肺炎的: pneumonic; pulmonic喉炎的: laryngitic抗炎的: anti inflammatory; antiinflammatory; antiphlogistic脑炎的: encephalitic皮炎的: dermatitic上炎的: up flaming舌炎的: glossitic肾炎的: nephritic胃炎的: gastritic消炎的: anti inflammatory; antiinflammatory; antiphlogistic; antiphlogistid眼炎的: ophthalmic; ophthalmitic无炎性髋关节病: qaiet hip disease伴同肺炎的: synpneumonic鼻粘膜炎的: catarrhal鼻黏膜炎的: catarrhal扁桃体炎的: tonsillitic扁桃腺炎的: to illitic; tonsillitic