无权: have no right无: not have; there is not; be w ...新: new; fresh; novel; up-to-dat ...股: thigh; haunches特权: privilege; prerogative无新股息: ex new; new share off认股特权: subscription righ无新股息, 除去新股: ex new无权利: no right认股特权;认股权: stock option无权认购新股: ex rights无权要求新股: ex-new; x.n., x. new ex new毫无权利: have no manner of right无权利的: powerless; untitled无权要求新股无权要求新股: ex new特权利益: royalty interest认购新股权利: subscription privilegex-rts = ex rights 无权认购新股。: x-rtsxr = ex rights 无权认购新股。: xr有认购新股的权利: with right无权: have no right 无权办理 have no right to handle; 无权干预 have no right to interfere; 无权过问 have no right to butt in [into]; not within one's jurisdiction 无权追索 without recourse无权利能力, 无法定身份: legal incapacity新股: ipos; new shares; offering附有购买新股票的权利: cum right当局授予的权利或特权: right or privilege granted by authority